About We Use Rails

We Use Rails is a curated list of Ruby on Rails web apps. We help people curious about Rails discover real-world applications and businesses built with the framework.

We Use Rails showcases the mature ecosystem of web apps and applications built with Ruby on Rails. Since 2004, Rails has powered everything from innovative startups to industry giants, proving its capability to scale from initial concept to successful enterprise. With Rails 8's modern features and renewed focus on developer happiness, the framework's influence continues to grow.

Our mission

We curate and showcase the diverse range of businesses and projects powered by Ruby on Rails. By highlighting real-world Rails applications across industries, we demonstrate the framework's versatility and continued relevance in modern web development.

What we offer

  • A searchable directory of Rails-powered web apps
  • Detailed technical stack information for each project
  • Categorization by industry and application type
  • Submission form for new Rails web apps

Why Rails matters

While Basecamp, GitHub, and Shopify are well-known Rails success stories, thousands of other businesses rely on Rails daily. Our platform helps developers discover these applications, learn from their implementations, and find inspiration for their next projects.

Join our directory

Are you building with Rails? Submit your web app to join our growing collection of Rails success stories. Help us showcase how Rails continues to power innovation across the web.

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