Used by 19 Rails websites
A popular behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework with a focus on readability and a rich set of features for testing Ruby applications.
Find Rails web apps built with robust testing tools like RSpec and Minitest to ensure their code is bug-free and reliable.
Used by 19 Rails websites
A popular behavior-driven development (BDD) testing framework with a focus on readability and a rich set of features for testing Ruby applications.
Used by 16 Rails websites
A lightweight and fast testing framework for Ruby, offering unit testing, mocking, and benchmarking capabilities.
Used by 11 Rails websites
A tool for testing web applications by simulating user interactions with features like form submission, navigation, and more.
Used by 9 Rails websites
A library for creating test data by defining factories, simplifying the setup of test scenarios with reusable and customizable objects.
Used by 6 Rails websites
A library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby, enabling offline testing and controlling external service interactions.
Used by 4 Rails websites
Built-in Rails support for managing test data using YAML files to define database records for tests.
Used by 5 Rails websites
A widely used framework for automating browsers, enabling detailed functional and end-to-end testing of web applications.
Used by 3 Rails websites
A modern end-to-end testing framework that supports automation across multiple browsers with powerful features like context isolation.
Used by 1 Rails website
Ruby’s standard unit testing framework, offering a straightforward approach to organizing and running tests.
Used by 1 Rails website
A testing framework that uses plain language scenarios to describe application behavior, enabling collaboration between developers and non-technical stakeholders.
Used by 1 Rails website
A modern driver for Capybara that leverages the Chrome DevTools Protocol for faster and more reliable browser testing.
Used by 1 Rails website
A Ruby library for automating interactions with websites, including form submissions, link clicking, and scraping content.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A double framework for mocking and stubbing in Ruby, providing flexibility and concise syntax for test doubles.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A BDD testing framework similar to Cucumber but built with a simpler and more structured approach to writing feature tests.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
An RSpec extension for writing feature tests in Gherkin syntax, combining Cucumber-style scenarios with RSpec’s power.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A fixture replacement tool similar to Factory Bot, focused on quickly building objects for testing with a concise syntax.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A mocking and stubbing library for Ruby, designed to work with any testing framework to simplify unit tests.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A library for recording HTTP interactions during tests, allowing developers to replay requests without hitting external services.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A headless browser driver for Capybara based on the Chrome DevTools Protocol, offering an alternative to Selenium.
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A Capybara driver for headless testing using PhantomJS, designed for JavaScript-heavy applications (now largely deprecated).
Not used by any Rails web apps yet
A browser automation library for Ruby, emphasizing ease of use for functional and end-to-end web testing.