

Financial forecasting application for agencies and freelancers.

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Fin is a financial forecasting application built for agencies, freelancers and small businesses. With fin you can build a financial projection based upon what you know today to avoid disaster in the future. Fin replaces spreadsheets, pivot tables, and complex Excel macros with a simple, easy-to-use financial projection tool. First add your incomes and expenses, then add employees and the projects they are working on to understand your net profits and staff utilization over time. You can then make decisions and plan before cash flow crunches happen.

Fin categories

Fin is categorized under the following categories:

Databases used by Fin

Fin uses the following databases:

Testing tools used by Fin

Fin tests its code with the following testing tools and libraries:

Deployment tools used by Fin

Fin uses the following deployment tools:

Asset pipelines used by Fin

Fin uses the following asset pipelines:

Template engines used by Fin

Fin uses the following template engines:

Ruby implementations used by Fin

Fin uses the following Ruby implementations:

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