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Featured image of OnRuby
Featured image of OnRuby (https://www.onruby.eu/)

An alternative to meetup.com for organizing usergroups, especially tailored for the Ruby On Rails community. Every usergroup organizer can onboard their groupd with custom domains etc. The service is free of charge.

OnRuby categories

OnRuby is categorized under the following categories:

Databases used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following databases:

Background job libraries used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following background job libraries:

Testing tools used by OnRuby

OnRuby tests its code with the following testing tools and libraries:

Deployment tools used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following deployment tools:

JavaScript bundlers used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following JavaScript bundlers:

JavaScript transpilers used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following JavaScript transpilers:

Asset pipelines used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following asset pipelines:

Template engines used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following template engines:

Cache store implementations used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following cache store implementations:

Ruby implementations used by OnRuby

OnRuby uses the following Ruby implementations:

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