Talento HQ

Talento HQ

Talent management and Human Resources


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Featured image of Talento HQ
Featured image of Talento HQ (https://talentohq.com)

Comprehensive and affordable talent and human resources management solution for companies of any size.  All the functionality you need in a single software practical, simple and intuitive. From small teams to large organizations.

Time tracking and attendance management. Leave and absence management. Shift planning. Configurable approval processes. Contracts and documents. Employee training, skills and competencies. Customisation of onboarding and offboarding processes. Job offers with customisable public page.

Performance assessments, work environment, employee recognition. Objectives and OKRs, meetings. Employee feedback.Project and task management, expense reports. Ideas, employee portal, internal communications and news. Satisfaction surveys for employees, suppliers, customers, NPS, anonymous surveys...

Whistleblowing Channels. Create internal and external mailboxes. Deadline tracking and notification.

Talento HQ categories

Talento HQ is categorized under the following categories:

Databases used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following databases:

Background job libraries used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following background job libraries:

Testing tools used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ tests its code with the following testing tools and libraries:

Frontend frameworks used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following frontend frameworks (JavaScript frameworks and libraries):

Deployment tools used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following deployment tools:

JavaScript bundlers used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following JavaScript bundlers:

JavaScript transpilers used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following JavaScript transpilers:

CSS frameworks used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following CSS frameworks:

Template engines used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following template engines:

Cache store implementations used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following cache store implementations:

Ruby implementations used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following Ruby implementations:

Real-time frameworks used by Talento HQ

Talento HQ uses the following real-time frameworks:

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